
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wealth Within Your Reach Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo by Francisco J. Colayco

Francisco J. Colayco is one of my mentors towards financial freedom.  I have not met him personally but I can reach him through his books and seminars  under the Colayco Foundation for Education.  

I read Wealth Within Your Reach Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo a few years back and it is a good book to motivate us towards our goal.  It has in-depth discussions on financial independence and makes us understand its importance. 

It also shares stories of successful entrepreneurs and how we can learn from their successes and failures.

This is a must read for every Filipino living here and abroad most specially those who want a clear understanding on financial wisdom.

It does not only talk of the  basics on financial independence but most importantly, the hows and what can be done.  

Here's a summary of Francisco Colayco's Pera Palaguin Commandments for Financial Freedom:
  1. Pay Yourself  First
  2. Define Your Financial Target At Each Phase
  3. Stop Spending On Things That Decline On Value
  4. Protect Your Greatest Income Generating Asset: Yourself
  5. Grow With The Economy And Beat Inflation
  6. Trust The Power of Compound Interest
  7. Assess Risks and Options: The Higher the Return, the Higher the Risk
  8. Make Money Work For You
  9. Invest And Diversify
  10. Use The Power Of One: Strength In Numbers
Click LINK To Buy Book Now!

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